Account Alerts

Manage Money with Ease

Set up convenient alerts, monitor
balances and control spending.

Easily keep track of balances and be alerted of suspicious transactions with free alerts.

Setting up account alerts is not only helpful to manage monthly spending, but it can notify you of any suspicious transactions immediately.

You can set alerts to be notified for:

  • Any transaction (debit or credit) over a certain amount
  • When your balance drops below a certain amount
  • When you’ve reached a specific monthly spending limit set on your debit card
  • When a login has occurred from a new device
  • When a digital banking password has been changed
  • And much more

Alerts are easy to set up, can help you monitor your accounts for fraud, and there is no limit to how many alerts you can set up – all for free!

See how easy it is to set alerts through this quick video.

Check out our Security Center for more financial tips.