Your New Credit Card

You should have received a new credit card around May 1st

What you need to know to be prepared

New credit cards were issued this month.


What you need to know

This is a new credit card number. If you have any pre-authorized or recurring debits (fitness club, utilities, insurance, etc.), you will need to advise those merchants of your new Hawthorn credit card number.

Do not use your old card after Saturday, May 18, 2019. Transactions will decline on your old card after this date.

All balances will be transferred to the new card number.


New Card activation

You may activate your new card beginning Sunday, May 19th. You must activate your card before you can use it. Activating your card is easy! Simply call the number on the label on the front of your new card.

Hawthorn Bank customer service will be available Sunday, May 19th. Please call us at 877-442-9846 on Sunday from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm if you have questions.


ONLINE users

Beginning Sunday, May 19th, you will have a new card website. You will no longer be able to access the eZCard website after Sunday, May 19th. Register your new card by going to the Login section at the top right of the website. Choose “Credit Card Login” and click “Login.” If you have any alerts or recurring payments set up for your card via your old login, you will need to set those up again.